Monday, July 1, 2024

Increase Sales - Offer an Equipment Finance Option With Every Sale Proposal

Leasing continues to increase in popularity as a means of acquiring equipment for commercial use. It is estimated that over 30% of the equipment obtained this year by end-users will be leased instead of purchased.

Leasing has become so commonplace that it is more and more difficult to find an equipment brochure that does not list both the sale price and the monthly lease payment for each piece of equipment. As a result, customers have come to expect equipment vendors to automatically offer their products on a sale and lease basis. In fact, only seven percent of your customers that need to lease will ask for a lease proposal. By not offering a lease alternative with each sale proposal, your customers will assume that you do not have the ability to provide a financing solution. As a result, your customers that need financing will simply do business with the vendor that provides a lease alternative in conjunction with their sale proposal. In other words, if you don’t tell your customers, your customers won’t ask. If your customers won’t ask, you can’t win!

The message is simple. Based on the fact that eight out of ten companies lease some or all of their equipment, every sale proposal should be presented with a lease alternative. Your product offering should be considered by all your prospects—not just those that want to purchase.

Furthermore, a total acquisition solution shortens the sale cycle. No longer will your customers have to consider the consequences of decreasing their cash reserves or lines of credit. Alternatively, your customers won’t have to spend valuable time searching for additional funding before they commit to acquire your products.

Best of all, when your customers choose to lease rather than buy, you make a faster sale. You also get paid faster because Capital Resources pays you immediately when the equipment is delivered and accepted by your customers.

Remember, if you don’t tell, they won’t ask. If they won’t ask, you can’t win!!